Oh58d operators manual
Bell kiowa oh-58a and oh-58c helicopter operators manual. Oh-58d kiowa warrior helicopter light retention bracket u. Bell oh 58d showing off its guns.Operator's manual for the Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. Includes the complete performance appendix. T-63-A-700/720 engine manuals for the Kiowa are available. TM 55-1520-248-10, 2001. 704 pages scanned from the original manual and produced as a Adobe Acrobat file on a CD. This manual can be printed in HIGH Operator's manual for Army OH-58D helicopter (SuDoc D 101.11:55-1520-248-10/993) on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Operator's manual for View and download Army Bell OH-58D Operator's Manual.pdf on DocDroid. This manual contains 463 scanned pages, is numbered TM 55-1520-248-10, and is dated 31 March 1992. THIS MANUAL ISOBSOLETE AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR AIRCRAFT
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